Guidelines for Authors

The Northern Journal of Medical Sciences (North J Med Sci) welcomes submissions that align with the ‘Guidelines for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals‘, endorsed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). It is recommended that authors familiarize themselves with the ICMJE guidelines and adhere to them prior to submitting their work to North J Med Sci.

Aim and Scope of Journal

The objectives and range of the publication are delineated on this page.

Submission Process

A concise overview of the submission and editorial process can be viewed here.

Peer Review

The detailed peer-review process of the journal can be viewed here.

General Guidelines For Authors

The preparation of the manuscript requires a single Microsoft Word document, with tables and figures incorporated within the text instead of being attached at the end. The layout of the manuscript should be single-spaced, using a single-column format with a font size of 12. The manuscript can be written in either British or American English, provided that the chosen style is consistently applied throughout the document.

The narrative should be written in the past tense and third person. It is recommended to avoid starting sentences with numbers or figures. Decimal values should be rounded to the nearest hundredth, for example, 0.06 instead of 0.0621.

Abbreviations can be used, but only after the full form has been introduced in the text to improve readability. Capital letters should only be used where grammatically required and for proper nouns. It is also advisable to avoid sentences that are either too long or too short.

Ethical Considerations

When submitting a research manuscript to the Northern Journal of Medical Sciences (North J Med Sci), it is essential to adhere to certain ethical guidelines. These guidelines, which are based on the comprehensive publication ethics established by the Committee on Publication Ethics, are available online for reference. However, North J Med Sci specifically requires authors to comply with the following conditions when submitting their research for publication:

If the manuscript includes previously published photographs, illustrations, or tables, evidence of permission from the copyright owners must be provided. In cases where patient photographs are used and the identities are not concealed, written consent must be obtained and included with the manuscript. If this is not possible, the eyes of the patient will be obscured to protect their identity.

When mentioning a medication, authors should primarily use its generic name. The brand name may be included in parentheses, but this should only be done if it is deemed necessary. Furthermore, for any medication, device, or material mentioned in the text, the authors must provide a statement confirming that they have not received any financial benefit from the product’s manufacturer or importer.

Authors are also required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest. For all interventional studies submitted for publication, an approval letter from the Institutional Ethical & Research Committee must be included. Ethical considerations related to the additional costs of the intervention, the management of controls in case-control comparisons of trials, and other relevant issues should be addressed.

For authors from multiple centers, they may be asked to confirm their affiliations by providing permission letters from the ethical boards or the heads of their respective institutions. This ensures transparency and adherence to ethical standards in the publication process.