Article Submission Guidelines: Manuscript

Article Submission Guidelines for North J Med Sci

North J Med Sci’s article submission guidelines ensure consistency, quality, and clarity across all submitted manuscripts. These comprehensive guidelines extend to all research papers, providing essential direction for authors aiming for successful publication.

Title Guidelines for Original Articles

When crafting your title, ensure it is clear, concise, and descriptive. Limit the title to a maximum of 20 words, capitalizing only proper nouns. Avoid abbreviations altogether. A well-constructed title enhances both the accessibility and impact of your article.

Abstract Guidelines for Original Articles

The abstract should be no longer than 250 words. It must adhere to the required structure: include sections like objectives, methodology, results, and conclusions. If the abstract is unstructured, it should still flow logically. Clearly describe the study’s type, location, and methods. For randomized controlled trials, be sure to add the clinical trial registration number. Additionally, include 3–10 keywords from the MeSH database to improve your article’s search visibility.

Introduction Section Guidelines

The introduction provides necessary background and the rationale for the study. Keep this section focused and relevant, without delving into a full literature review. The final paragraph must state the research objective clearly, explaining the study’s importance and the hypothesis driving the research. Avoid subheadings here, as well as data or conclusions from the current study.

Materials and Methods Section

Present the methods without using subheadings to maintain a smooth narrative flow. Break the content into clear paragraphs, outlining ethical approvals, study design, setting, inclusion/exclusion criteria, and sampling methods. When applicable, describe randomization and follow-up periods. Mention all equipment and chemicals used, including manufacturer details.

For statistical methods, use clear, simple language. Mention the software used, and provide references where necessary. If writing a review article, describe how you selected, extracted, and analyzed data.

Results Section

Organize your results in a logical sequence using text, tables, and illustrations. Avoid repeating information already presented in tables or figures. Instead, highlight key findings and significant observations. Report frequencies, percentages, p-values, means with standard deviations, and medians with interquartile ranges.

Presenting Data in Tables

Present data clearly in tables, ensuring that each table is numbered consecutively. Use concise yet explanatory titles, and reference tables in the text. Provide proper headings for each column, and use footnotes for any abbreviations. If the data is from a previously published source, be sure to provide acknowledgment and permission from the original publisher.

Illustrations and Visual Aids

Figures and illustrations must enhance the text by clarifying key points. Submit high-quality, sharp images, and use high-resolution formats for scans and diagnostic images. Place figure titles below the illustrations and provide detailed legends, avoiding text directly on the images. If using previously published figures, cite the original source and obtain written permission. Always include scale markers and explain any symbols used.

Units of Measurement

All measurements should be presented using System International (SI) units. Avoid using imperial units like inches or feet.

Discussion Section

The discussion should begin by summarizing the study’s key findings. Compare these results to those of other relevant studies, highlighting significant discoveries and their implications. Address the limitations of your study and suggest directions for future research. Avoid repeating content from earlier sections and do not include unproven conclusions.

Conclusion Section

The conclusion should summarize the main points without introducing new data or overstating the findings. If the study supports the development of a new hypothesis, include it only if justified by the data. Avoid speculative statements or unsupported claims.


Acknowledge contributors who did not meet all criteria for authorship but contributed significantly to the study. Obtain written permission from those mentioned by name, ensuring their consent to be recognized.

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest

The detailed conflict of interest in academic publishing policy of North J Med Sci has been outlined separately.

Disclosure Of Research Funding

The North J Med Sci requires disclosure of all grants and funding received for the completion of the research.


North J Med Sci adheres to the NLM / PubMed guide for referencing. References cited as ‘In Press’ must have been accepted and not merely in preparation or submitted. The author is responsible for the accuracy of all references and must verify them against the original document. The Vancouver superscript citation style is recommended by the editorial board of North J Med Sci.