Editorial Process


How our Peer-Reviewed Journal Handles Submissions

The submission and review workflow in peer-reviewed journals, such as the Northern Journal of Medical Sciences (NJMS), is designed to ensure high-quality research is published. This step-by-step guide provides an overview of how a manuscript is processed from submission to publication in the editorial process of North J Med Sci.

Editorial Process begins with Manuscript Submission

Authors submit their work using the journal’s online system, where they pay a processing fee. The fee helps cover operational costs but does not affect the outcome of the review.

Initial Review: First Checks

Technical Review

Once submitted, the manuscript is checked for formatting and compliance with the journal’s basic requirements, such as ethical clearances and supplementary data. Manuscripts that don’t meet these criteria are returned for revision before advancing to the next step.

Editor’s Initial Assessment

An editor with expertise in the relevant field assesses whether the submission aligns with the journal’s scope. This is an essential step, as it determines if the manuscript proceeds to the next phase or is rejected due to lack of relevance.

Preliminary Review by the Editor

Before sending it out for peer review, the editor may conduct a more thorough internal review. This step ensures that the research is scientifically sound and ethically compliant, setting the stage for a smooth peer review process.

Peer Review Process

The peer review phase involves sending the manuscript to two or more independent experts. These reviewers focus on assessing the research’s methodology, data accuracy, and overall contribution to the field.

Review Outcomes

The decision typically falls into one of four categories:

  • Accept: Ready for publication without further revisions.
  • Minor Revisions: Small corrections are required.
  • Major Revisions: Significant changes must be made before reconsideration.
  • Reject: The manuscript does not meet the journal’s standards.

Editorial Process: Revising and Resubmitting

If revisions are required, the author resubmits their manuscript with changes based on the reviewers’ comments. This iterative process helps refine the paper, improving its quality.

Final Decision

Once the revisions are reviewed, the editor makes a final decision. If all issues have been addressed, the paper moves to publication.

Copyediting and Proofreading

After acceptance, the manuscript goes through a final review where editors correct any formatting, grammatical, or typographical errors. Authors also review proofs before the final version is published.

Online Publication

The final version is published online, ensuring the research is accessible to a global audience through the journal’s open-access model.

Editorial Process: Post-Publication Review and Discussion

Some journals, like NJMS, offer opportunities for post-publication peer reviews or reader comments, encouraging further dialogue within the academic community.